- The most recent event under this heading is the Northwestern conference in the honor of Dale— with some very good and some not so good presentations…– featuring also some very (and some not so) entertaining speeches by former Mortensen students, co-authors, advisers etc, either at the dinner at the Northwestern Allen Center on Friday evening, or at the drinks & snacks session at Beverly and Dale’s splendid home (photo with Ija on their balcony) on Saturday evening.
Category: Denmark
2011 San Pellegrino world top restaurant ranking
See here the top 1-50. And I am proud to note that I have tried by now 4 places in the 2011 world top 12, namely:
- Noma (1): been there twice already, see here impressions (and some pictures) from the first time, the second was a lunch in October last year– still have to get hold of those pictures online somewhere.
Labour markets, between heaven and hell
→ Read more[…]heaven is where women and older people work like Swedes, the young work like the Dutch and the unemployed find jobs like the Danes. Hell is where workers get into unemployment like the Americans and out of it like the Italians.
Not that I want to brag or anything but… please check this out again and then go to the Nobel prize site to see who won this year’s Prize in Economics (by the way, last year I predicted Hart, Holmstrom and Williamson, hence I also got there one of the awardees– just in case you were wondering if I predict the same every single year).
→ Read more Econlinks: Kamelåså et al
Before I come up with my Econ Nobel forecast — a week to go, stay tuned– let us take a look to the 2010 Nobel Ig prizes related to Economics.