Lately I’ve got about 5 books started at all times and I largely read them in parallel (unless I like one too much to let it out of my hands before I finish it).
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Econlinks for 06-02-’08
Why we kiss, in case you were wondering… Not much to do with economics per se, unless you want to make the link to things some people consider related, such as when to say “I love you” (4th bullet point):-).
Econlinks for 28-01-’08
John DiNardo’s 3(!) reviews of Freakonomics (1, 2, 3). I agree with most of the points DiNardo makes, though I must say that I never thought Freakonomics was meant as a ‘popularization’ book, to start with.
Econlinks for 24-01-’08
The American’s 2008 Young Economist Award went to Raj Chetty. Chapeau bas, this guy totally deserves it (see for instance a recent ReStud paper of his that impressed me)! And no surprise there; in fact, should he keep his publishing pace, I think Chetty has considerable chances of becoming the youngest winner of the John Bates Clark award (see who was the ’07 winner of that prestigious prize).
Econlinks for 16-01-’08
Alessina, Ichino and Karabarbounis arguing for gender based taxation, on VoxEU. This recent CEPR working paper has the details. Their modelling is very basic (one obvious extension to make this more realistic– probably requiring a lot of effort– should be to allow for frictions in the search & matching of agents on the marriage market), but still makes for super interesting research with (potential) serious policy implications.