Zoitica, esti barbata!

Descoperirea saptamanii: de departe, cel mai promitator nou blog din ClujBlogRoll. Ingrediente majore in posturile de pana acum: stil, acel epsilon necesar de imprevizibilitate si, mai ales, elementul “exposure”. Un debut de exceptie (perfectibil, dar reusit) a carui implicatie nu poate fi decat “I’ll be returning soon, hungry for more” (yep, Anton Ego becoming my alter ego…).
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New Blog Contest: Best Blog Entry on Inter-Ethnical Matters in Transylvania

As announced, I restate below the second part of the my previous post. Looking forward for a big number of enthusiastic participants!

Sebi Buhai (in collaboration with Dan, Lolka and Tihi, my colleagues from PhoenixTransylvania, who do not yet know about this, but I am sure will have nothing against it 🙂 ) is launching a new (smaller scale) blog contest.
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This blog is more popular than I thought. And a new blog contest!

Popularity is not at all something I am after (though I could start considering my running for the Romanian Presidency in the future- after all, so far, all you need for that is to be very popular:-)), as I immediately made clear when I was nominated to this “Clujblogfest”, a blog “competition” in my native city, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
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“Economia à la Romania” sau “Economia Stiinta Umanista”

Tin neaparat sa-i mentionez pe cei (unii) de la Academia de Stiinte Economice (ASE) care castiga detasat noua etapa a concursului “cum mai ajunge lumea pe blogul meu”, categoria “aberatii”: in mod repetat si foarte insistent (de cel putin trei-patru ori in ultima luna, dar povestea e deja veche, de cateva luni) respectivii studenti sau profesori sau whatever ajung la mine pe blog cautand pe Google expresia (si reproduc ad litteram) “economia stiinta umanista“.
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Blogging as self-experimentation

I think Tyler Cowen is right to a great extent. And I just love the “less patient with the Continental philosophy” idea. True, true, how true! I would only add that blogging is also providing me (some of you) with an incentive to actually learn more, in a much more (self)disciplined way (understood here that one only blogs about things s/he himself considers interesting and worth blogging about, to start with; this should be the sine qua non of blogging).
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