Din seria ‘Cum ajunge lumea pe blogul meu’- Dec ’06

Doar o mica selectie de data asta, mult prea multe cautari:

primar popesti leordeni (si despre Popesti-Leordeni am scris, ca sa vezi…)

poze despre sex cu minore (pedofil 1: IP-ul e – pentru vreun organ de politie care se autosesizeaza: deocamdata omul se infierbanta pe internet si i-ar trebui retezat avantul pana trece eventual la fapte mai grave).  → Read more

What’s the secret of succesful blogs?

This is a question I bet each and every one of us, active members of the blogosphere, would like to have an answer to. Here’s what Tyler Cowen (from Marginal Revolution), one of the most succesful bloggers indeed and one of my favourite econbloggers (that very intriguing new species that I also talked about in a previous post), gives as answer.
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