I am sure you didn’t know about this one. On the site of Denmark Statistics (those guys that record everything about anything that has something to do with Denmark…) you can actually check how many Danes have a certain name, with both first and last name queries allowed, in 2006 and 2007.
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Quote for the week 20th to 26th of May ’07
People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use.
Søren Kierkegaard
Bill and Kofi in Aarhus
…and of course I’ll be there on Monday to check out what they’ve got to say! By the way: you see above the very first picture on this blog :-).
Studenter-Sangforeningen la Cluj: 7 mai, orele 18, Academia de Muzica “Gheorghe Dima”
Hans Christian imi face cunoscut urmatorul anunt despre turneul transilvan al Corului Universitatii din Copenhaga. Deci, mai ales pentru clujenii mei: daca as fi la Cluj pe 7 mai (din pacate, pentru contextul de aici, eu voi fi la Chicago…), as face tot posibilul sa prind cantecele studentesti/academice scandinave din program.
→ Read more Song of the day: “Let your fingers do the walking” by Sort Sol
I am certainly not an expert when it comes to Danish music bands (despite the fact that I’ve been in Denmark for quite a while now: it is high time I knew more about the topic….),
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