An excellent videoclip, as far as I understand sponsored by Ursus. Nonetheless they could have chosen a Romanian native who speaks English, to do the talking, since this guy has no idea how to pronounce names or words in Romanian (take his way of pronouncing “oina” for instance).
→ Read more Author: Sebi Buhai
John C. Harsanyi: O calatorie incredibila sau ”Daca vrei cu adevarat, poti!”
La un moment dat (cu destula vreme in urma) am scris un eseu despre Laureatul Nobel John Harsanyi pentru Suplimentul Educational al Gandului. Nu am nici o idee daca a fost publicat sau nu- din nou, modul de lucru al ziaristului roman.
→ Read more New, old and (always) exciting in science
Shortly back to blogging after quite a while… Today I’ll drop a few lines about some interesting science pieces, both new and old, but anytime exciting. Of course the selection is mine.
→ Read more Dezbatere privind cercetarea din Romania (I)
Vad ca Ad-Astra a prins un asemenea ritm incat cu greu mai pot tine pasul cu citirea ultimelor stiri/analize de pe site-ul lor! Astazi Razvan a postat pe site-ul Ad-Astra o serie de articole aparute in presa despre reformele necesare din cercetarea stiintifica de la noi, carora unii li se opun prin orice mijloace (apelul adresat mediei plus/minus o abatere standard- apropos, excelent comentariul lui Daniel David aici!-
→ Read more Letters to Nature
Liviu Giosan indicates on the Ad-Astra site a new letter recently published in the prestigious science journal Nature, about the general situation of scientific research in Eastern Europe (btw: I am 100% convinced that although a lot of these elements are common to most Eastern Europe, Romania’s situation was – and still is- the worst).
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