You can call me Doc…

… for about a week now. And if you’re interested in my dissertation, here’s the full digital version, in the Erasmus University Rotterdam online repository. If you believe you deserve a nice, signed, hardcopy, do let me know :-). A short PDF presentation of the thesis chapters, for a rather general audience, can be found on my website, though without the presenter it should not/ will not help very much (NB: of course I ran out of time, this cannot be done in 15 min…).

PS. Aside questions related to my thesis, I was also asked to defend Proposition X from my “stellingen” list, at the public defence. Nothing but expected, it is the best proposition of all that list, after all. All credit to Prof. Rubinstein for that :-).

6 thoughts on “You can call me Doc…”

  1. Okay, pai atunci succes mai departe. Nu imi retrag felicitarea prematura, in sensul ca nu cred ca ai avea nici un fel de probleme :-). <BR/><BR/>Sebi

  2. Merci, Raluca!<BR/>Realitatea e ca sunt mult mai ocupat acum decat oricand inainte de a termina doctoratul, dar ok, totusi e bine :-). <BR/><BR/>Dar by the way, eu credeam ca tu ai terminat dizertatia de luni bune, la un moment dat te-am felicitat pe blog, sa inteleg ca era prematur?…

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