Ernst & Young’s “Southeast Europe Attractiveness Survey 2007”

…places Romania first in the investors’ ranking. See here a summary of the SE investment “attractiveness survey” results, in English (or the same, in Romanian). I think a lot of attention should be devoted to the indicators where we lag behind (and this report should probably have emphasized those to start with, Romanians tend to read the first pages and skip the rest…). Namely, we are doing bad (or in some cases, really bad) in the following dimensions:
  • infrastructures (telecom and logistics)
  • political environment stability
  • quality of life
  • R&D

So I think there’s a lot to do, rather than fight among the various decision-making institutions, nonsense which has been going on ever since our entry in the EU (before that there was sheer chaos; now at least you know who bullies who). But do we have in power any people that “know things”, quoting Larry Page? You judge it.
