Let the Transylvanian Phoenix rise from the ashes! And Jonathan Harker’s first days in Transylvania

This is a short note to inform everybody that we (Dan, Lolka, Tihi and yours truly), a small but ambitious group of new generation Transylvanian idealists, of both Romanian and Hungarian ethnicities, launched “Phoenix Transylvania“, the first interethnic Romanian-Hungarian weblog (for now we do not commit to any frequency of posting, but I’ll guess once we seriously start posting, it’ll become natural).
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Don Quijote de la Londra si jurnalismul de companie

Trist, trist, foarte trist (extrem de trist din perspectiva personala). Traian Ungureanu devine ultra-defensiv si se autocaricaturizeaza. Articol scris “la cald” (fierbinte!) ca marea majoritate a articolelor recente ale dumnealui (daca nu a fost scris la cald, e mult mai grav; incerc din rasputeri sa ii gasesc circumstante atenuante…).
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