An interesting material/ interview in The Independent about/with Matthieu Ricard, author of ‘Happiness: A Guide To Developing Life’s Most Important Skill’ and arguably the happiest man alive (at least according to the conclusions of research done by top neuroscientists at the University of Wisconsin).
→ Read more Category: research
Bad research…
The problem with all this type of research is that they (the authors) do not have any model to account for their findings. I mean, interesting observations, but…nothing more. Not to mention that it does contradict other studies (also within psychology; every day there’s a new descriptive study observing something else on two dozens observations and extrapolating to the whole population…).
→ Read more MRIs and sex drive. And the science of love
Since I was just mentioning nudity and inspiration, let’s go a step further and talk without inhibition about science and sex. This is very serious research. And it is one of the most read BMJ article of all times (if you want to be a scientist and desire popularity with the media as well, you might consider this field of research- well, you could also post personal nude photos on your website/weblog, though that might lead to somewhat of a negative attention…).
→ Read more Triple blind review (and other idealistic thoughts on improving scientific publishing)
I really don’t think this should be THE priority in this area- and I also don’t think it would in fact change a lot in the scientific publishing process (not to mention that I doubt it would ever work: eg, I bet with everyone that I can find the author of a paper from its title and content, in most cases- hence, ‘double blind’ is already useless).
→ Read more Competitia FameLab in Romania
Informatie de pe Ad Astra. Daca juriul va fi intr-adevar corect (ma intreb cum va fi ales juriul in Iasi, Cluj si Bucuresti si chiar ma gandesc ca Ad Astra ar trebui sa fie implicata cel putin in selectarea “personalitatilor stiintifice” din juriu), competitia aceasta se anunta excelenta.
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