Steve Levitt is talking about his own very recent experience (and more than that) as guest on the Colbert Report show (unfortunately, I don’t think there’s any way I can see that unless somebody posts a video footage of it somewhere- please let me know if you find anything like that anywhere).
→ Read more Category: religion
A clash of eras
This is something you cannot miss: an amazing act of courage by an Arab (Arab-American) scholar, a woman psychologist, who speaks up on the Al-Jazeera TV channel. I have never seen somebody so blunt and open about issues usually untackled.
→ Read more Un nou scandal pe linie religioasa islamica
Cum ii spuneam si lui Sorin pentru, desi sunt evident pentru libertatea de expresie a presei- si a individului- la nivel de guvern trebuie adoptata o tactica mai strategica.
→ Read more Pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster!
The controversy around the Intelligent Design (ID) theory being taught in schools in USA as an alternative view to evolution is certainly nothing like something new. It’s even been the subject of editorials, reports and articles in the prestigious journal Science for months now- and if something is in Science for so long you should have a strong suspicion that the academic community considers it a core matter.
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