I am not completely convinced by the methodology employed (particularly by the way causality is ultimately dealt with) in this article from Scientometrics, but this is certainly a very interesting question (download PDF) and it is also true that not many have so far looked at the incentives to self-cite oneself.
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Topul universitatilor din Romania pe 2007. Si despre specializarea UBB in religie (sau mai degraba, in JSRI)
Ad Astra a publicat ierarhia universitatilor din Romania in 2007 (bazata pe articolele indexate ISI in 2006). Razvan Florian da o serie de detalii, inclusiv link-uri catre preluari mass media, aici. → Read more
Econlinks for 19-03-’07
Joe Stiglitz comes forward with a set of sound arguments for the fact that prizes are much better than patents in medical research (and not only). Greg Mankiw wonders (and he’s got a big point there…) how to support those prizes other than via higher tax rates (I don’t think the competence of the prize committee is a problem…).
Scientific publishing lags: Maths vs. Economics
I’ve received today this email (I receive quite often such emails since I am also interested- rather actively, I’d like to think- in Applied Mathematics). I put in bold what is the most interesting thing for my purpose here (I won’t search for the rank or reputation of this journal below etc.
→ Read more Triple blind review (and other idealistic thoughts on improving scientific publishing)
I really don’t think this should be THE priority in this area- and I also don’t think it would in fact change a lot in the scientific publishing process (not to mention that I doubt it would ever work: eg, I bet with everyone that I can find the author of a paper from its title and content, in most cases- hence, ‘double blind’ is already useless).
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