To start with the last item in the title, it wasn’t to be for The Netherlands… a third World Cup final wasted. Mais, c’est la vie. However, even though I predicted wrongly the winner in the very last game, I still managed to eventually rank 411th among 497,206 participants worldwide, in the Castrol’s FIFA World Cup Predictor Challenge.
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Noma rulez!
The 2010 S. Pellegrino world top 100 restaurants came out yesterday: René Redzepi’s Noma is la crème de la crème (’10 S. Pellegrino profile).
No doubt you recall I had dinner there less than a month ago.
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→ Read more[…] We’ve been busy traveling around in the Nordic regions and we have been finding a number of simply phenomenal ingredients that we have flown into town for our use: Horse mussels, deep-sea crabs and langoustines from the Faeroe Islands, which are living right up until the moment they are served to our visitors.
Weekend econlinks: The quest for perfection
Gelman writes a useful overview on causality and statistical learning (caveat lector: I have only read through Angrist and Pischke’s book, among the three Gelman mentiones; that one is very well written, but aimed at junior graduate students at best: hence, the book’s tag “an empiricist’s companion” is overselling it; and that has nothing to do with Josh Angrist kindly “advising” me to change my PhD topic/focus, sometime in my beginning graduate years, because ‘nobody serious would be interested in structural modelling’ :-)).
Atlanta and ASSA grand finale
Right, almost two months since my visit to Atlanta, hence high time to wrap up and conclude.Briefly on Atlanta itself: ultimately not that appealing a city. In fact, probably the least interesting city I have visited in USA so far (caveat lector: I have deliberately avoided stuff a priori known to be dull), bar San Antonio, Texas (which might have changed since my trip there in ’04, but I doubt it).
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