Hup Holland Hup!

With a very pertinent quote from my good old friend Robert, which best summarizes what needs to happen tomorrow (today, if you are on European soil):

Indeed, the defence is crucial, as is violence on the midfield. For the first time in years Holland has a pair of complete bastards in the midfield (De Jong and Van Bommel). They will have to break down the Brazilian attack while Sneijder finds space behind the Brazilian wing backs to launch Robben and Van Persie. Doesn’t sound very traditional Dutch, right? But it will be the game plan tomorrow. Believe it or not, some people here are actually calling for an old fashion German style approach, which is causing some distress among the total football purists. Lets hope for the best.

Oh yeah, and the reason I have not posted for so long is that (as you obviously imagined…) I am very busy– inter alia, have very impatient co-authors (they do have a point, though, and I have always liked challenges, hence all for the best this far)–, and have recently returned to Chicago from very interesting conferences in London (EALE-SOLE 2010; great organization by the UCL team of Richard, Steve & co) and in Skagen (Danish Microeconometric Network; admirably organized by Lars and Marianne). Following soon is SED at Montreal, with the greatest expectations. If I find the time, you’ll read detailed criticisms and praises at some point.


2 thoughts on “Hup Holland Hup!”

  1. Aproape sigur. Nu va fi usor meciul urmator, dar nu ma indoiesc ca Oranje va ajunge in finala. Ba chiar indraznesc sa prezic ca va castiga de data asta. Hup Holland Hup!

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