Without holding either a Nobel, a John Bates Clark, a chair in Economics or even a PhD in Economics for that matter (yet!- working hard to finish my thesis soon), I will adventure to state that I am inclined to agree with the argument put forward in a recent post by Greg Mankiw (which is also Ed Prescotts’s position, but not so much David Card’s).
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Ce am facut de 1 Decembrie
Nu, nu am mancat fasole, asortata cu tzuica… Pe de alta parte totusi cred ca 1 decembrie este o ocazie speciala in care se pot face- cel putin in teorie- multe lucruri speciale si nu sunt neaparat atat de negativist cum este (deocamdata) Dan (critic da, insa de la critica la pesimism extrem si neincredere totala e ceva distanta).
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