Haven’t written anything for a while now, but among many other things that somehow impeded me of doing this, I have seen/listened to Leoncavallo’s amazing Pagliacci (see here a short synopsis) in the even more amazing Arena di Verona!
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Found out somewhat late about this, apparently it’s been out there (in its second edition!) for more than a month now. Anyway, prepare for a 1 h 21 min 43 s long video.
→ Read more Monochrome
Somewhat dramatic for my usual taste (sic!), but certainly one of my favourites from this absolute phenomenon called Yann Tiersen. Since today I’ve listened all day to Tiersen’s albums, here are the lyrics for Monochrome (you should listen to the song though, otherwise the effect is not even 10%- and here’s the complete videoclip on YouTube- very very well done, btw!).
→ Read more Talking Mona Lisa
These Japanese scientists are simply amazing, always up to something completely new in terms of scientific or technical discoveries: on Reuters today, one of them reports that he reconstructed Mona Lisa’s voice (also Leonardo Da Vinci’s).
→ Read more Dezbatere privind cercetarea din Romania (II)
Continuand postul meu din 28 aprilie, indic si comentez foarte pe scurt o serie de noi articole aparute tot in cadrul discutiei referitoare la reformele privind cercetarea stiintifica din Romania, unele ca raspuns la articolele deja amintite.
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