It is time for the current Minister of Education to go…

… and I’ll come back to the theme of the title soon (there are many reasons for the title, beyond what this short post will touch on), with an alternative, you’ve always got to have an alternative when you criticise… But meanwhile, if The Diplomat is right in this article (via Gabi Istrate, on Ad Astra), the MEdC signed itself up (in an apparent total ignorance, which is a proxy to a far more serious sin– and this is a real sin!–incompetence) to a new beginning of the Dark Ages… Hopefully we’ll only get to watch the first episode of that, though.

Update, some minutes later: almost forgot, you can also read some other posts of mine related, to various extents, to the worrying developments underlined in the article linked above, e.g. here, here or here (all in Romanian).

2 thoughts on “It is time for the current Minister of Education to go…”

  1. con calma, con calma ca doar nu ne trag copilasii de maneca (cel putin nu pe mine)… in plus, cata vreme matale n-ai identitate, nu poti pretinde prioritate, ain’t it? 🙂

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