A short but quite informative English text on what “buhai” means in Romanian (its most popular sense- that of a friction drum- that is; a second usage is also mentioned in the text, ie.
→ Read more Category: music
BBC on Romanian and Bulgarian (media) culture
My friend Frédèric, EU member for a longtime now :-)- but with cosmopolitan views and interests- is pointing out to me a very recent BBC article on the media culture of the two new EU members (officially, in a few hours now).
→ Read more Magyarorszag: The Song, The Style, The Women…
This entry is supposed to somewhat complement my previous post on Diskoteka Boom and Romanian ‘comparative advantages’ in such products, bringing up fundamental differences in marketing and branding strategies in Romania and respectively, Hungary.
→ Read more Manele 2. Johnny: ‘Manelele sunt frumoase cu conditia sa le dai valoare artistica’
Vorbeam intr-un post precedent (si) despre Florin Dumitrescu si ideea lui referitoare la manele (idee care o data clarificata, e mai mult decat acceptabila pentru toata lumea). Postul lui Florin la care faceam referire era cel legat de interviul recent cu Johnny Raducanu, din Metropam.
→ Read more My friend Max, Diskoteka Boom and Economics
My good old Canadian friend Max Hamon (who’s been in Romania, and particularly in Cluj, more than once and who, inter alia, beats most Romanians I know in palinka drinking,- ave, Max, morituri te salutant!
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