Lume din Cluj ma intreaba ce mai citesc in afara de economie. Poate vor sa stie si altii (sau ar fi surprinsi sa afle ca citesc si altceva :-)), deci here I go.
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Din lume adunate…
Prins in prea multe lucruri care nu pot fi deloc amanate sunt nevoit sa o las mai moale cu frecventa entry-urilor in blog pentru o perioada. Totusi, din cand in cand, in fuga, niste impresii.
→ Read more A bit about the Unabomber & eco-terrorism
In his “Nothing is Sacred. Economic Ideas for the New Millenium”– a book I very much enjoyed, although that is not to say that I agreed 100% with the views stated in it- Robert Barro, one of the pre-eminent current economists and possibly an Economics Nobel Laureate not so far in the future, also talks about Al Gore’s “outrageous book”: “Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit” and his extreme environmental positions taken there.
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