Ca tot vorbeam de branding pentru Romania , o idee ar fi organizarea unui concurs, cu premii (incentives matter, it’s always about incentives…), pentru gasirea celor mai bune propuneri vis-à-vis un asemenea brand, in cadrul roblosferei.
PS. It is apparently not so bad to be appointed a Fed Gov and certainly even better to get to be the Fed’s Chairman- if you expected this and somebody else got it, you might really resent it (I also mentioned this funny CBS clip here)…
Informatie de pe Ad Astra. Daca juriul va fi intr-adevar corect (ma intreb cum va fi ales juriul in Iasi, Cluj si Bucuresti si chiar ma gandesc ca Ad Astra ar trebui sa fie implicata cel putin in selectarea “personalitatilor stiintifice” din juriu), competitia aceasta se anunta excelenta.
This is something even David Copperfield would be proud of. Don’t get scared by the Japanese spoken here and just keep watching the clip until the end, it is self-explanatory. Here is Cyril’s site if you want more info.