Econlinks: The Freudian interlude


5 thoughts on “Econlinks: The Freudian interlude”

  1. Nico, you're flattering me (or yourself? :-)): I was Self-Absorbed :-). By the way, since we got to that, are you still still In-A-Relationship-But-Looking? Not for other reason, but I might stop being Self-Absorbed in that case and pay some attention. Touché? 🙂

  2. @nenicu: dom&#39;le, da si matale cativa dolari si cumpara DVD-ul de pe Amazon, ce sa zic (ca sa nu incurajez pirateria: altfel sunt sigur ca gasesti destui experti care iti fac rost de orice film download).<br />Despre G-spot: inca nu l-am gasit nici eu, dar acum sunt sigur ca exista. Te tin la curent, femeia sa aiba rabdare :-). <br /><br /><br /><br />@Danish economist: sorry, but I don&#39;t

  3. In this part of the world we usually face the opposite problem: don&#39;t give her the job offer because she will never take it :P<br />a Danish economist

  4. Maestre deci doua trebshoare la tine: primo, n-am gast filmu&#39; portughez sa-l iau pe hard.. si nevasta nu mai poa&#39; far&#39; sa&#39;l vada. musai. secundo, macar vinu&#39; aista sa i-l ofer ca altfel de bai cu femeia

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