The next thing is to inquire whether the saints are listening…

The empirical conclusion from this analysis is important. A little prayer does no good and may make things worse. Much prayer helps a lot.

If Jim Heckman says that, it’s gotta be true.
So, either stop praying altogether, or pray 24/24, nothing in between helps…

PS. Andrew M. Greeley’s letter attached at the end of Heckman’s paper deserves praise on its own.


4 thoughts on “The next thing is to inquire whether the saints are listening…”

  1. With a reservation here: I don’t think it’s a particular "fight", rather the more general idea often claimed in papers that you simply assume the conditional density of an X given Y is of given form etc (eg., "effect of income on happiness" or "effect of income inequality on democracy"; you see where he’s going) :-). In fact the end is the best, where he states that he conjectures such analysis

  2. Absolutely hillarious. The old man wrote his best as yet. Guess it’s related to the old fights with Angrist et al.

  3. Ciao Siciliano, <BR/><BR/>&quot;meaningless&quot;&gt; are you questionning the &quot;accept on faith assumption&quot;? :-)<BR/><BR/>I bet it&#39;s going to be the most downloaded IZA discussion paper, even without praying for that :-).

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