Seemingly some Dutch economists in Holland – who don’t necessarily know me- are suddenly very concerned about my spending too much time on the internet (TRUE- but nothing to do about this, I have to be in touch with what happens in the world) and particularly about my apparently doing everything (read: putting too much effort and energy to the expense of my research time) to promote my website in the top most visited pages within the category “economie-nederland” on webstats4u (WRONG- the fact that webstats4u does not have a mechanism to block your own visits is nothing to blame on me- I decided nonetheless not to use my webpage as browser homepage anylonger, just to satisfy these criticisms and to show that I could not care less if I were in the top of the most visited economics pages in the Netherlands or not…).
While thanking Prof. Bergeijk for his concern and advice (always welcome!- I want to believe that his concern is not simply related to the fact that his own blog is competing for a top place as most visited pages in the aforementioned category on webstats4u), I’d like to point out that he might have been too jumpy in his criticism… and superficial analysis is not something economists should often employ- while unfortunately enough, lots of them do. I trust Peter van Bergeijk is not part of this latter category, though this entry in his “enonomendagboek” can’t be counted as support for that.
Ah, almost forgot: I think this ad-hoc critic doesn’t like very much the pictures on my site either… well, what can I say… too bad Mr. Bergeijk, would be utopian from me to hope satisfying everybody…
It’s not so much that he display this pathetic behaviour c (ie. zielig, cf. Kirsten), he apparently also refuses to approuve my comment to his article. Fortunately links to entry blogs (within other blogs) work without his approuval.<BR/><BR/>Once again it seems we deal with one of those economists that take simple correlations (strenghtened by their own behavior, though this is not proof) as
LOL inderdaad. Echt zielig van onze Peter. Kirsten
Meanwhile, driven by curiosity I find out the following- <BR/>as for who is "zielig" (tough words, tough words, that remain in memory)… here we go- excerpts from the visits to my critic’s page (and now the reasons for his attack become more visible). LOL…<BR/><BR/>4. 10 maart 00:13 Planet Internet, Nederland <BR/>5. 10 maart 07:34 Planet Internet, Nederland <BR/>6. 10 maart 07:51 Planet