Chiar daca nu sunt intotdeauna de acord cu dumnealui, Mircea Dinescu este unic si de cele mai multe ori este mult deasupra celorlalti. Ia cititi-i ultima poveste,, despre pofta Preafericitului la sculele diavolesti din hambarul CNSAS.
→ Read more Let the Transylvanian Phoenix rise from the ashes! And Jonathan Harker’s first days in Transylvania
This is a short note to inform everybody that we (Dan, Lolka, Tihi and yours truly), a small but ambitious group of new generation Transylvanian idealists, of both Romanian and Hungarian ethnicities, launched “Phoenix Transylvania“, the first interethnic Romanian-Hungarian weblog (for now we do not commit to any frequency of posting, but I’ll guess once we seriously start posting, it’ll become natural).
→ Read more Don Quijote de la Londra si jurnalismul de companie
Trist, trist, foarte trist (extrem de trist din perspectiva personala). Traian Ungureanu devine ultra-defensiv si se autocaricaturizeaza. Articol scris “la cald” (fierbinte!) ca marea majoritate a articolelor recente ale dumnealui (daca nu a fost scris la cald, e mult mai grav; incerc din rasputeri sa ii gasesc circumstante atenuante…).
→ Read more Song of the day: Ciocarlia (in three different interpretations)
On Friday last week I had dinner in one of the “bring-your-own-wine” restaurants in Aarhus (in case somebody doesn’t yet know, in Aarhus and in DK or Scandinavia in general, a good wine can easily double- a very good wine can multiply it a few times…- your restaurant bill, hence these types of bring-your-own restaurants- I only know the ones in Aarhus- are extremely popular- you can basically bring your own wines and just have them serve you the meals).
→ Read more On Larry Page’s address at the AAAS Annual Meeting 2007 and more from that event
Excerpts from Larry Page’s address at the AAAS Annual Meeting of this year are in the third part of this recent Science podcast (in .mp3 format) from the 17th of February (his talk starts from around min 14 in the podcast).
→ Read more