I’ve received today this email (I receive quite often such emails since I am also interested- rather actively, I’d like to think- in Applied Mathematics). I put in bold what is the most interesting thing for my purpose here (I won’t search for the rank or reputation of this journal below etc.
→ Read more How to (and how not to) praise (your) kids
I certainly agree with the conclusions of this interesting article in the New York Magazine (overviewing a few dozen recent studies on the topic): praising the effort rather than the intelligence or, even better formulated, praise needs to be specific.
→ Read more Ernst & Young’s “Southeast Europe Attractiveness Survey 2007”
…places Romania first in the investors’ ranking. See here a summary of the SE investment “attractiveness survey” results, in English (or the same, in Romanian). I think a lot of attention should be devoted to the indicators where we lag behind (and this report should probably have emphasized those to start with, Romanians tend to read the first pages and skip the rest…).
→ Read more D-Wave’s Orion: The first practical quantum computer
It still doesn’t work properly, but well, it is a start. I am optimistic and I think it’s a matter of 5-10 years (not half a century as some think!) to get it to solve all existing Sudoku puzzles in seconds, for instance (although there are much more important things one could do with a quantum computer than solve Sudoku…).
→ Read more Quote for the week 18th to 24th of Feb ’07
Brinkmanship is thus the deliberate creation of a recognizable risk, a risk that one does not completely control. It is the tactic of deliberately letting the situation get somewhat out of hand, just because its being out of hand may be intolerable to the other party and force his accomodation.
→ Read more