I probably have more female friends than any man I’ve ever met. What I like about them is that almost always they’re generally mentally tougher, and they’re better listeners, and they’re more capable of surviving things.
→ Read more 3.14, Church of Pi, Cadaeic Cadenza
A bit extreme for my tastes (I am more than fine with 3.14159, which seems to be also an MIT “chant”, see below), but well, why not ? Happy Pi Day, everybody!
→ Read more Song of the day: “O sonho”, by Madredeus
The song for today is by my favourite Portuguese band, Madredeus (wikipedia entry)- and I’d like to think I got a bit of “feeling” for Portuguese music (and for many other things related to Portugal) from my very good friends Miguel and Carla.
→ Read more Despre colocviul stiintific de la Copenhaga, de sambata trecuta
Evenimentul a fost mai mult decat reusit pentru o prima editie si constituie un precedent care nu trebuie ignorat. Deci chapeau organizatorilor, participantilor, audientei! O scurta trecere in revista, in fuga (si las programul sa vorbeasca de la sine, mai jos): ideea colocviului s-a materializat (intr-un final!)
→ Read more Voinescu si balcanizarea
Cred ca e cel mai prost articol pe care l-am citit in ultimele cateva saptamani, in presa noastra (si a intrat in competitie cu multe altele, deci nu a fost usor deloc sa castige!):
→ Read more