Etimologia cuvantului semidoct e la indemana oricui; nu-i este deloc greu de recunoscut particula semi-, care inseamna “jumatate” si care se regaseste in cuvinte precum: semicerc, semifinala, semiluna, semiton, semivocala.
→ Read more France just opening UFO files- I know what’s going on!
It is very clear why they chose to do this right now. The Franch ‘Man in Black’ can finally prove that the French ‘Lady in Red’ (more details here or, particularly, here on Dan’s blog and comments section) is a dangerous alien.
→ Read more Song of the Day: “When the Lady Smiles”, by Golden Earring
Despite the fact that Viacom is sueing the hell out of YouTube and a lot of good videoclips had to be consequently removed, the show must/will go on! Long live YouTube!
→ Read more My top 25 movies
I was mentioning recently that I should attempt to make a top 25 of my favourite movies. Now, before anything else, I should say that this is a very dynamic top and hence, it is my top 25 movies at this very moment: for instance, a year ago it looked a bit different and there are still dozens of movies (both old and very recent) on my “must see” list (I really did not see that many…), which could jump anywhere in this top (by the way, your suggestions are very welcome!).
→ Read more Scientific Breakthrough: Mapping E8
This definitely calls for celebration in the whole scientific community! Perseverance, a lot of patience, a team of 18 brilliant mathematicians and computer scientists, 64 Gb of RAM: the result is mapping E8, the largest among the exceptional simple Lie groups.
→ Read more