Neither the artists nor the song for today need any introduction for they’re true Classics! Moreover, as many of my Tinbergen Institute former and current PhD colleagues can, for instance, testify, I can myself (yes, yes, this is not a joke!)
→ Read more Song of the day: “Let your fingers do the walking” by Sort Sol
I am certainly not an expert when it comes to Danish music bands (despite the fact that I’ve been in Denmark for quite a while now: it is high time I knew more about the topic….),
→ Read more Quote for week 25th to 31st March ’07
The society that puts equality before freedom will end up with neither. The society that puts freedom before equality will end up with a great measure of both.
Milton Friedman
→ Read more Castigatorii “FameLab Romania”
Rezultatele finale (si detalii privind desfasurarea intregului concurs) pot fi consultate aici. Premiantii sunt urmatorii:
Locul I: Camelia Chira (Cluj- felicitari juriului de la Cluj pentru desemnarea unei finaliste care a ajuns sa bata Bucurestiul si Iasiul 🙂 )
Locul II: Sebastian Dan (Bucuresti)
Locul III: Alina Tanase (Bucuresti)
Premiul de popularitate: Simona Mancas (Bucuresti)
As spune ca juriul a facut o treaba buna in ultima etapa, judecand doar in baza informatiilor referitoare la finalistii competitiei.
→ Read more The YouTube 2006 Awards
Here. Except the most creative and the most adorable clips, the rest is somewhat of a dissapointment. But this is what you get without using an expert jury. The 2007 YTAwards will definitely be more impressive…
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