I’ll start this blog category today. And I count on YouTube providing me with all the material I want :-). So, each week I’ll choose a movie scene (always one of my favourite movie scenes, obviously!)
→ Read more 10 out of 10 for Easterly’s “Africa’s Poverty Trap”
This is the best short econ article I’ve read in the last couple of days: “Africa’s Poverty Trap”, by William Easterly, published in the WSJ on March 23rd (yeah, I’m reading things with a time lag…).
→ Read more Econlinks for 05-04-’07
Greg Mankiw, the most popular Econ teacher in Harvard, having fun on April Fool’s Day. A classic one . No wonder he is so popular :-). In any case, part of the secret is: give some attention to your students!
Mungiu-Pippidi despre MAE
Nu am mai citit de mult un articol peste medie scris de Alina Mungiu-Pippidi (iertata sa-mi fie constatarea; poate ca sunt singur in aceasta opinie :-)), dar in sfarsit am gasit unul cvasi-excelent.
→ Read more Song of the day: “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane
Intro: without any direct connection a priori (though, thinking again about it, perhaps I was in a psychedelic state to give Marie-George Buffet 5 points…), I recalled the song I propose as today’s song following a short discussion in the comments section of my friend Dan’s post about the French candidates to presidency (you should do that politiquiz as well: as for myself, I got Sarkozy and Bayrou on the top places with 10 points both- never mind whom I got on the third place :-)- and I trust the French will be smart enough to do likewise in their fast approaching elections…).
→ Read more