…cand prind putin timp liber (foarte rar, din pacate; sper sa se imbunatateasca situatia in cateva luni…). In momentul de fata citesc si sunt entuziasmat de (pana acum, sunt pe la jumatate si cred ca devorez si restul in maxim doua zile- sau doua nopti, e mai sigur ca voi gasi timp- e prea interesanta sa o las din mana) cartea recenta a lui Adrian Gavrilescu, “Noii precupeti.
→ Read more Movie scene of week 15th to 21st of April ’07: The final fight scene from “Snatch”
A classic. Simply perfect as movie scene for this (just ending) week. There is only one masterstroke that can knock out every hapless opponent as soon as the master decides that it’s high time to get over with it – and that KO punch belongs to the ‘pikey’: Mickey O’Neil destroying Horace “Good Night” Anderson in the final fight scene of Guy Ritchie’s superb Snatch (recall that this is one of my all time favourite movies, currently within my top 25).
→ Read more Quote for week 15th to 21st of April ’07
The best argument against democracy is a five minute talk with the average voter.
Winston Churchill
→ Read more Hot Stephen Colbert and cool QJE
These days are very busy, but I can’t pass on this one. Stephen Colbert has the best comic moment of the months! Among other things, he is so hot that he was on the cover of the Quarterly Journal of Economics (that’s the best part of the clip :-), Greg Mankiw rightly picks on that part) but, particularly, even Paulina Porizkova admits that – now, is there anything else to desire ?
→ Read more Movie scene for the week 8th to 14th of April ’07: Sean Maguire’s ‘monologue’ from “Good Will Hunting”
“Good Will Hunting” is one incredible movie (remember my movie top 1-25: this one can easily slide in there and is for sure in my current top 30- stay tuned for that, as soon as I’ll get some time, I’ll post further my top 25-100…).
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