On why you need Maths for Economics and in general

Some young but very ambitious students (yeah, yeah, some of you are reading this post on my blog right now :-)) have been asking me why would they need to know Maths if they want to become economists (in industry or academia) and what Maths courses are most suitable for them and how much Maths would they actually use in practice anyway…

These are very interesting and very pertinent questions and obviously they were asked and answered before.
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Traducatori, analisti, profesionisti. De Romania

Citesc pe hotnews un post al lui Emil Stoica. Bun, omul are o initiativa binevenita aducand in atentia publicului profesionalismul traducatorilor de la Antena 3 (btw, couldn’t care less about the latter; nu cred ca am urmarit vreodata Antena 3, whatever that is…) si comentariile sale sunt pertinente, desi cam “pierde” si ‘mnealui pe drum parti esentiale si mai scoate din context pe ici pe colo (iarasi prin/din partile esentiale…), desi contextul da mai mult decat culoare in cazul de fata… Si nu ca asta ar fi hiba majora, dar- crucial- cade dumnealui insusi in acelasi pacat al traducatorilor mioritici (si stiind foarte bine despre ce e vorba, e dublu vinovat); nimic extraordinar in Romania: “analistii” nostri “analizeaza” si “traduc” (citeste “va traduc”) fara a indica sursa (si asta e valabil dincolo de exemplul din context; de multe ori putem vorbi chiar de plagiat), insultandu-i, la urma urmei, pe cititori.
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