Hans Christian imi face cunoscut urmatorul anunt despre turneul transilvan al Corului Universitatii din Copenhaga. Deci, mai ales pentru clujenii mei: daca as fi la Cluj pe 7 mai (din pacate, pentru contextul de aici, eu voi fi la Chicago…), as face tot posibilul sa prind cantecele studentesti/academice scandinave din program.
→ Read more Scurt despre “Romanii de care nu stiu romanii”
Sorin Matei scrie un articol interesant in Adevarul (si il anunta si pe Pagini.com). Din pacate, altfel initiativa fiind binevenita, sunt unele probleme destul de mari cu ‘metodologia’ aplicata (sau mai bine zis, inexistenta…).
→ Read more New Blog Contest: Best Blog Entry on Inter-Ethnical Matters in Transylvania
As announced, I restate below the second part of the my previous post. Looking forward for a big number of enthusiastic participants!
Sebi Buhai (in collaboration with Dan, Lolka and Tihi, my colleagues from PhoenixTransylvania, who do not yet know about this, but I am sure will have nothing against it
) is launching a new (smaller scale) blog contest.
→ Read more This blog is more popular than I thought. And a new blog contest!
Popularity is not at all something I am after (though I could start considering my running for the Romanian Presidency in the future- after all, so far, all you need for that is to be very popular:-)), as I immediately made clear when I was nominated to this “Clujblogfest”, a blog “competition” in my native city, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
→ Read more Putin despre scriitorii romani si atractia spre extrema dreapta
Dan indica (si comenteaza excelent) pe blogul lui articolul, vechi de cativa ani buni, “Scrisoare catre prietenii mei romani“, al lui Tamás Gáspár Miklós. Desigur unele lucruri s-au schimbat din 2000 si pana acum, intre timp am mai aflat lucruri noi etc., → Read more