The Science edition from the 4th of Jan had two extremely interesting short essays published in the “letters” section. You can read them both on the first page of this PDF.
→ Read more Song of the day: “Non-convex desires”, by John DiNardo
Today’s song is by an amateur musician and professional (academic) economist (a winning combination anytime!), John DiNardo. You can listen to “Non-convex desires” here (in .mp3 format) and you can read an approximation of its lyrics here (compared to the audio version linked above, you will notice some permutation in the early verses, some slightly changed words and the last verse left entirely for future research :-)).
→ Read more Econlinks for 4-02-’08
Greg Mankiw’s birthday wish (with my “Happy Birthday”, of course!). Among other things, I learnt I’d be young forever, despite being (aspiring to be?) an economist; here’s why: “[…] you know you are old when you spend more time thinking about money than sex.
Time to study: MIT Open Courseware
It is old news by now, but for those of you who did not know (and especially for all students among you, undergraduates and graduates alike), MIT made available online extensive material for no less than 1800 courses from their curriculum.
→ Read more Quote for week 27th of Jan- 2nd of Feb ’08
→ Read more
In fact, science clashes with the democratic ideal. Though it is meritocratic, it is practiced in the elite and effete world of academe, leaving the vast majority of citizens unable to contribute to it in any meaningful way.