I mentioned this article from VoxEU by Alessina et al a while ago (1st bullet point). Meanwhile Gilles Saint-Paul came forth with a tough critique and Alessina, Ichino and Karabarbounis have replied today.
→ Read more Quote for week 3rd to 9th of Feb ’08
Mathematics is trivial, but I can’t do my work without it.
Richard Feynman
See the quote of the previous week.
Best phrase I’ve read today
→ Read moreSure, let those who have become rich under capitalism try to do good things for those who are still poor, as Mr. Gates has admirably chosen to do. But a New-Age blend of market incentives and feel-good recognition will not end poverty.
Econlinks for 06-02-’08
Why we kiss, in case you were wondering… Not much to do with economics per se, unless you want to make the link to things some people consider related, such as when to say “I love you” (4th bullet point):-).
The blue-eyed islanders puzzle
The morning pill: Terry Tao has just reminded me of the following famous logic puzzle. Obviously some of you have seen it before and might know the answer (disclaimer: I was confronted with this quite a while ago, in my first university year, as part of a challenge among Maths students), but many of you did not.
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