A very nice article about GMU’s Econ department. I love for instance the following bit, despite its capitalizing on stereotypes (but we love those sometimes :-)); so here’s Arnold Kling: My simple way of describing it is that at Chicago they say, ‘Markets work; let’s use markets.’
Best phrase I’ve read so far today
→ Read more[…] Basescu has repeated his insistence that Székelyföld will have no more nor less autonomy than anywhere else. This is not a position with which I disagree in principle, but since he trotted it out two years ago and has done absoultely nothing towards decentralisation in Romania since, it is clear that what he means by “Covasna will have the same amount of autonomy as Calarasi and Constanta” is, in fact, “absolutely none”.
Econlinks for 23-02-’08
“[…] it is surprising and disturbing that, at a time when the premium for skills has increased and the return to graduating high school has risen, the high school dropout rate in America is increasing.
A classic Alekhine’s Defence and 43 moves
… is all what Magnus Carlsen needed in order to win against Topalov. Wonderful, wonderful, we love it! The kid is back in the game (while, surprinsingly, Topalov has lost two consecutive games since I last praised him…).
→ Read more Real stakes in the US election
Here’s my favourite bit of the best essay I’ve read today:
→ Read moreThe reality is that democracy is a very blunt instrument, and in today’s environment we are choosing between ways of muddling through.