Possibly the best short read of the week. In any case, surely the best speech for a class of university graduates I’ve ever happened onto. J.K. Rowling, the benefits of failure and, more than anything, the importance of imagination (You can also watch the video of the speech– if not loading, it is also on YouTube already, in several copies…). → Read more
(New) Dutch architecture or urbanism in three dimensions
Here’s an excellent article in NYTimes about MVRDV, nowadays the (no reservations) top Dutch architects (here’s their website, describing their projects etc.; here’s a brief slideshow presentation of some of their work, accompanying the article above).
→ Read more Culmea pateticului pe saptamana curenta
Domnul Daianu, fost economist…, “ataca” din nou (vezi si isprava precedenta, comentata)… Introducerea textului din Dilema Veche uita sa precizeze ca nici un economist serios nu se afla intre semnatarii ‘scrisorii’, cu toate ca politicienii respectivi (unii dintre ei economisti ratati sau/si politicieni frustrati, altii simpli naivi) “aparţin unor grupări politice diferite […] depăşirea barierelor ideologice adăugînd un plus de importanţă documentului.”
→ Read more Econlinks for the weekend
This erotic-stimuli-influencing-spending might be more serious than I thought (see my earlier short comment to Tyler Cowen’s erotics of investing– 2nd bullet point). Although the researchers admit that all their conclusions rely on the men faced with a decision to be taken in a second or so… Yeah, then it could be very true :-).
Balanescu Quartet’s “The Model”
Although Kraftwerk’s original version of “The Model” (lyrics in English or German) is very good as well, my take is that The Balanescu Quartet (finally they’ve got a nice website: congrats!)
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