Interesting article (via Tyler Cowen, on MR) on the economics of the late Alexander Solzhenitsyn, by C. Bohanon (written a while ago). The recent obituary for him in The Economist seems to openly ignore some of the conclusions emerging from Bohanon’s analysis…
Quantifying artistic value
This is about a very interesting, though quite controversial at the same time, project of David Galenson, economic historian at the University of Chicago: quantifying 20th century artwork based on market and visual citations.
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My read of the week is John Cochrane superbly answering to this… well, “protest letter” (the latter being the reason why one of the labels for this post is “pathetic”).
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Enter Neuroeconomics…once again.
An excellent obituary for Leo Hurwicz, by Eric Maskin. Turns out it was indeed great timing to award him the Nobel last year (Hurwicz is the oldest Nobelist to date).
The Big Apple and The Island. And some good Econ research in Boston
Yes, I admit: my blog has been somewhat neglected recently… And unfortunately it will still be in that situation for a while, since I’m in the middle of some conferences and workshops in the US (plus it is summer and awfully hot here).
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