I find it the most lucid summary (and criticism) of almost everything influential that has been published on the financial crisis so far. Some of the books are reviewed too briefly, and some newer ones are completely omitted, but nonetheless I think this is the most concise and useful general-purpose article written on the crisis as yet.
→ Read more My Nobel Econ 2011 prediction
I say “Ernst Fehr, Matthew Rabin, and Richard Thaler for their contributions to behavioral economics“ (I even bet 3$ on this, but for some yet unclear reason that pool has closed, with my money returned).
→ Read more Jazz Impressions of Japan
The flawless Koto Song is my newest ‘creative background piece’: works miracles for theory modeling! For running regressions give Tokyo Traffic a shot.
More on Brubeck’s best album ever (with some credits to my jazz-expert friend Dean).
→ Read more More matching in Chicago
My research whereabouts: after an inspiring matching workshop at Kellogg, Northwestern: “Matching: findings, flaws and future” (workshop schedule in PDF) a month and a half ago, I will attend another a priori very interesting conference on matching at the Milton Friedman Institute, University of Chicago, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow: “Matching and price theory” (conference schedule in PDF).
→ Read more Funniest dating ad ever?
I hate you all. I hate London. I hate books. I hate critics. I hate this magazine, I hate this column and I hate all the goons who appear in it.