MAI a pus online ultima editie a ghidului. O introducere putin siropoasa a lui Blaga, dar in rest informativ si concis. Inter alia, atat in Danemarca cat si in Olanda voi putea intra doar cu cartea de identitate- no, musai sa incerc sentimentul asta (alternativ, ar fi prima data cand as folosi cartea de identitate la ceva).
→ Read more The Economist’s 2006 Innovation Awards
I was mentioning in a previous post the Technology Quarterly section of the most recent Economist edition. In that same section The Economist is announcing this year’s innovation awards. Below the excerpts describing my favourites among the winners:
Computing and communications: Janus Friis and Niklas Zennström of Skype, for the development of internet file-sharing and telephony using peer-to-peer technology, which allows millions of computers to link up over the internet without central co-ordination.
→ Read more Blog backup
Am citit acest articol din SmartFinancial, dar gasesc ca se prezinta problema, se scriu paragrafe si paragrafe fara cap si fara coada si – at the very end of the day- nu se ofera solutii simple si la indemana oricui (ceva tipic in jurnalismul nostru).
→ Read more The machine era has just started
It’s all over, the human chess player lost the ultimate battle (little do the $500k that Kramnik would have gotten anyway confort the rest of the humankind). The king is dead, long live…Deep Fritz!
→ Read more Debate on raising minimum wages in the USA
Obviously Greg Mankiw is following this debate much more closely than I am, which is very good since I can profit from it and just follow Professor Mankiw’s very recent links to it, on his popular blog.
→ Read more