Steve Levitt is talking about his own very recent experience (and more than that) as guest on the Colbert Report show (unfortunately, I don’t think there’s any way I can see that unless somebody posts a video footage of it somewhere- please let me know if you find anything like that anywhere).
→ Read more Nicolin-Buhai: 1-0
Alex Nicolin (unde ti-e weblogul?!), un tip foarte simpatic pe care l-am cunoscut recent, fizician cu hobby-uri in fotografie, lingvistica si multe altele, imi trimite mesajul urmator. Recunosc ca are dreptate si ca m-am grabit si imi fac mea culpa si cred ca si altii ar putea invata din asta… Deci chapeau, Alex!
→ Read more Prescott, Card and Mankiw on income and substitution effects (applied to USA vs. EU)
Without holding either a Nobel, a John Bates Clark, a chair in Economics or even a PhD in Economics for that matter (yet!- working hard to finish my thesis soon), I will adventure to state that I am inclined to agree with the argument put forward in a recent post by Greg Mankiw (which is also Ed Prescotts’s position, but not so much David Card’s).
→ Read more The economics of blogging
Also (since I was just talking about Cowen’s advice regarding success in the blogosphere) via Marginal Revolution: some people have started thinking about the economics of blogging (so did I).
→ Read more What’s the secret of succesful blogs?
This is a question I bet each and every one of us, active members of the blogosphere, would like to have an answer to. Here’s what Tyler Cowen (from Marginal Revolution), one of the most succesful bloggers indeed and one of my favourite econbloggers (that very intriguing new species that I also talked about in a previous post), gives as answer.
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