Lume din Cluj ma intreaba ce mai citesc in afara de economie. Poate vor sa stie si altii (sau ar fi surprinsi sa afle ca citesc si altceva :-)), deci here I go.
→ Read more My friend Max, Diskoteka Boom and Economics
My good old Canadian friend Max Hamon (who’s been in Romania, and particularly in Cluj, more than once and who, inter alia, beats most Romanians I know in palinka drinking,- ave, Max, morituri te salutant!
→ Read more Perseverare diabolicum. Si altele, asortate
Am mai scris pe marginea dezbaterii legate de cercetarea stiintifica in Romania, criterii de evaluare si promovare in ierarhia stiintifica s.a.m.d (eg. aici sau aici). La ora aceea inca nu aparuse articolul din Romania Literara, din iunie, al lui Gheorghe Ceausescu , un “om al literelor”, sa spunem asa.
→ Read more Levitt (and Krugman) on the Colbert Report: the video(s)
Yes, I found it in the end, I found the recording of Levitt’s interview from the 5th of December on Colbert’s show (I was also talking about it here )! I must admit that I thought Levitt was “winning” a few times from Colbert, so no doubt the latter must have been very serious when he said in the end of the talk that he does not want any other winners (aka John Bates Clark medal laureates) in the Colbert Report show.
→ Read more Financing college education in USA
Very pertinent recent viewpoints of Gary Becker and Richard Posner on the issue of whether the debt of students to finance their college education is too high, as the new Congress claims (they also blogged about these issues – focusing at that time on commercial vs.
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