Hmm, so far I only read one book from this list (the White’s Man Burden by Easterly- excellent, by the way). But I already ordered Dawkins’s “The God Delusion”. I add it to the list of books that I plan to read in the very near future.
→ Read more Economics of Gifts II: Mankiw’s turn
After a previous short post on why cash is generally the optimum gift and a heated debate with my friend, Daniel, here’s Greg Mankiw with the analysis for the particular case of strong relationships.
→ Read more Merry Merry Xmas!
This is still the best Xmas card/wish/animation/etc. I know of (had it last year on my blog as well, but it vanished from that address), so here it is again: Merry Xmas everybody!
→ Read more My wild self is too wild…
…so I’ll gladly take the cash, thank you very much (unfortunately I do often notice that most people from outside economics do not really understand why cash is the optimum gift choice, in general).
→ Read more Aflatul in treaba si roblosfera
Dan scrie despre schimbul de replici dintre Sorin Adam Matei si Eduard Koller. Parerea mea: furtuna intr-un pahar cu apa. Koller incepe primul aceasta discutie redundanta, pur si simplu ‘aflandu-se in treaba’ (ironic, cu scopul declarat de a-i critica/demasca pe cei- jurnalisti- care ‘se afla in treaba’), iar Matei raspunde mai mult si mai colorat decat ar fi fost necesar (daca ar fi fost necesar…), aflandu-se in treaba (de data asta), desi era clar ca omul nostru de la Microsoft nu a reusit sa prinda mesajul textului initial si mai mult- da destule semnale ca le are mai putin cu jurnalistica (avantajul sau comparativ in IT- if anything- nu apare in debate si in fond nici nu ar fi avut loc…considerand conditiile initiale).
→ Read more