So says Tyler Cowen on MR after having read the most recent Italian edition of Vanity Fair. That would not be bad at all. However, I cannot find anything on the net about this (the Italian edition of Vanity Fair seems to exist only in print) so all we know for now is what Cowen tells us: Bogota (Columbia), Sibiu (Romania) and the Kurile Islands (Russia) are three of the six up-and-coming tourist hotspots.
→ Read more Antreprenoriat de succes in Nigeria: schema 419
Cu destul timp in urma (inainte de a avea blog personal…) ii spuneam lui Sorin, pentru, despre Nobel Ig-uri si intre ele despre “antreprenorii” nigerieni care castigasera- in absentia, bineinteles- un Nobel Ig in literatura.
→ Read more Becker and Posner on ‘Libertarian Paternalism’
I have just read a wonderful critique of ‘libertarian paternalism’ by Gary Becker, complemented very nicely by Richard Posner. Some excerpts from both texts below (which also attempt a summary of the main arguments):
The term is indeed an oxymoron.
→ Read more 500 mostly useless facts…and still
…but at least the following among them are damn interesting… Obviously I cannot guarantee that they are all true, but you can check fast at least the chewing-gum-peeling-onions-no-crying hypothesis; do not, by any means, try the run-in-zigzag-to-lose-crocodiles-or-alligators or the push-thumbs-in-crocodile’s-eyeballs-to-escape-his-jaws or the throw-a-cat-from-at-least-the-8th-floor-no-lower :-).
→ Read more Ada Milea plus Alex Balanescu
Scriam cu alta ocazie ca nu m-ar deranja chiar deloc ca Alex Balanescu (cu al sau Balanescu Quartet) sau Ada Milea sau – chiar mai bine- Alex Balanescu plus Ada Milea – sa ajunga foarte populari in Romania si chiar sa reprezinte ‘branding through music’ al Romaniei in strainatate.
→ Read more