As vrea sa cred ca majoritatea celor care au obtinut doctoratul in Romania ar fi de acord cu o petitie pe tema asta. In plus poate exista in MEdC (sau mai sus) si persoane mai capabile decat acestea.
→ Read more Quote for the week 14th to 20th of Jan ’07
To see with one’s own eyes, to feel and judge without succumbing to the suggestive power of the fashion of the day, to be able to express what one has seen and felt in a trim sentence or even in a cunningly wrought word- is that not glorious? → Read more
On Dutch coffeeshops and the war on drugs
Since I recently blogged about libertarianism, the Netherlands is in some respects (however, mind you: NL is far from being a pure ‘laissez faire’ country in general) a champion in succesfully implementing libertarian policies.
→ Read more Can we just scale up Denmark?
My short answer: no.
My longer answer: no, the success of the DK extensive welfare policies is to a large extent possible given the character of the Danes and therefore they’d most likely not work anywhere else.
Clipul de pe YouTube e magistral. La fel si comentariul insotitor al lui Darius de pe Via Dan.
→ Read more