This is a very, very interesting article from Newsweek International about the status of old churches throughout all of Europe (with pros and cons to maintaining or converting them etc). Inter alia, they do not forget mentioning Paradiso, one of the most famous clubs in Amsterdam (and certainly one of my favourites), obtained by transforming an old church.
→ Read more Triple blind review (and other idealistic thoughts on improving scientific publishing)
I really don’t think this should be THE priority in this area- and I also don’t think it would in fact change a lot in the scientific publishing process (not to mention that I doubt it would ever work: eg, I bet with everyone that I can find the author of a paper from its title and content, in most cases- hence, ‘double blind’ is already useless).
→ Read more Today’s song: Zece
Fara sa-l fi urmarit in mod continuu pe Florin Chilian-artistul (Chilian-comentatorul, de la Jurnalul National, e de multe ori prea…melodramatic, si asta in ciuda a ceea ce declara ca doreste a fi…; pe de alta parte scrie mai bine decat alti -multi- melodramatici), nu pot sa nu observ un progres considerabil, mai mult curaj (si cu asta, mai mult feeling) in melodiile sale.
→ Read more Should I study Latin or Chinese?
Great answer by Tim Harford to the question whether one should study Latin or Chinese, though he misses the fact that Latin (much more so than Italian…) could be a ‘stepping stone’ to learning a hell bunch of ‘modern’ languages, which I would not see as weakly dominated by learning Chinese.
→ Read more Wiki Novels
The UK publisher Penguin started a welcome and ambitious project (I’d say), consisting in advertising (and, presumably, sponsoring the eventual publication- only online or also in print- of) a collaborative novel using the wiki tools.
→ Read more