For quite a while now I’ve been an enthusiastic fan of Hayley Westenra, a young singer with an incredible voice, from New Zealand, of Irish descent. She’s already shown a lot, but just watch her in 5-10 years from now!
→ Read more Category: youtube
Today’s song: Zece
Fara sa-l fi urmarit in mod continuu pe Florin Chilian-artistul (Chilian-comentatorul, de la Jurnalul National, e de multe ori prea…melodramatic, si asta in ciuda a ceea ce declara ca doreste a fi…; pe de alta parte scrie mai bine decat alti -multi- melodramatici), nu pot sa nu observ un progres considerabil, mai mult curaj (si cu asta, mai mult feeling) in melodiile sale.
→ Read more Chapeau^2: Emoticoncert
Ca tot vorbeam de branding pentru Romania , o idee ar fi organizarea unui concurs, cu premii (incentives matter, it’s always about incentives…), pentru gasirea celor mai bune propuneri vis-à-vis un asemenea brand, in cadrul roblosferei.
→ Read more Not bad: Cyril’s magic
This is something even David Copperfield would be proud of. Don’t get scared by the Japanese spoken here and just keep watching the clip until the end, it is self-explanatory. Here is Cyril’s site if you want more info.
→ Read more YouTube to share its ad revenues with its clip contributors
I can’t see yet how this arrangement will work in practice (probably it hasn’t been worked out in detail by the YouTube owners, either), but this announcement should certainly please the most creative video contributors to YouTube.
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