Movie scene for the week 8th to 14th of April ’07: Sean Maguire’s ‘monologue’ from “Good Will Hunting”

Good Will Hunting” is one incredible movie (remember my movie top 1-25: this one can easily slide in there and is for sure in my current top 30- stay tuned for that, as soon as I’ll get some time, I’ll post further my top 25-100…).
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Song of the day: “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane

Intro: without any direct connection a priori (though, thinking again about it, perhaps I was in a psychedelic state to give Marie-George Buffet 5 points…), I recalled the song I propose as today’s song following a short discussion in the comments section of my friend Dan’s post about the French candidates to presidency (you should do that politiquiz as well: as for myself, I got Sarkozy and Bayrou on the top places with 10 points both- never mind whom I got on the third place :-)- and I trust the French will be smart enough to do likewise in their fast approaching elections…).
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