Preston McAfee brings a second noteworthy innovation to Economic Inquiry (I also blogged about the first one since he came as editor to that journal): “We now have a miscellany section.
Category: quote
Quote for week 7th-13th of October ’07
In order to cure most ills of human life, I require not that man should have the wings of the eagle, the swiftness of the stag, the force of the ox, the arms of the lion, the scales of the crocodile or rhinoceros; much less do I demand the sagacity of an angel or cherubim.
→ Read more Quote for week 30th of Sep- 6th of Oct ’07
Econlinks for 19-09-07
Ian Ayres’s prediction tools online. Although predicting things like how long your marriage would last or how long you’ll live might also catch the interest of some, my favourite by far is predicting the value of Bordeaux.
The phrase of the day
… belongs to my Italian (Economist, officially & Philosopher, undercover) friend Silvia (see, I totally acknowledge the source :-)). Simply brilliant, summarizes life in just two sentences:
And…men, you are so so so …unbelievably men!
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