- Harald Uhlig has an interesting recent paper entitled “Economics and Reality” (intentionally recalling Sims’s 1980 ECMA, indeed) . While he discusses the relationship between Economics and Reality (yep, isn’t that what you all hope to hear?)
Category: Mankiw
Econlinks: Kamelåså et al
Before I come up with my Econ Nobel forecast — a week to go, stay tuned– let us take a look to the 2010 Nobel Ig prizes related to Economics.
Econlinks (& more)
Greg Mankiw’s memo to the President-Elect; there is a chance Obama might actually listen, given how fast Mankiw’s comment changed things here :-).
The secret pleasures of Dr. Doom: and you still wonder why Roubini has so many fans among the young economists?!
Econlinks for the weekend
Dan Hamermesh, on Freakonomics, tackles a very interesting issue: competition between kids, grandkids and so on, for parental bequests. I don’t have such a parental dilemma as yet, but my parents do, I guess :-).
Quote for week 10th-16th Feb ’08
→ Read moreAt the root of the difference between the Libertarian and welfarist-Utilitarian conception of optimal tax policy is the relationship of the individual to the state. The welfarist-Utilitarian model sees the state as an entity outside the individuals who compose it, in that the government puts in place policies that are optimal according to its own social welfare function.