Yes, I admit: my blog has been somewhat neglected recently… And unfortunately it will still be in that situation for a while, since I’m in the middle of some conferences and workshops in the US (plus it is summer and awfully hot here).
Domnul Daianu, fost economist…, “ataca” din nou (vezi si isprava precedenta, comentata)… Introducerea textului din Dilema Vecheuita sa precizeze ca nici un economist serios nu se afla intre semnatarii ‘scrisorii’, cu toate ca politicienii respectivi (unii dintre ei economisti ratati sau/si politicieni frustrati, altii simpli naivi) “aparţin unor grupări politice diferite […] depăşirea barierelor ideologice adăugînd un plus de importanţă documentului.”
The promise of prediction markets, as policy forum article in Science; many Econ Nobelists and future Nobelists on that list of authors… This is a follow up of a statement signed by equally prestigious researchers that I talked about a while ago.